Katsura Eishi is Professor at the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA), specializing in media studies and theory of artistic practice. Involved in the planning of new public cultural institutions in and outside Japan such as sendai mediatheque (Sendai) and mediaSeven (Kawaguchi), he is the author of numerous publications, including Interactive Mind, Toshokan kenchiku no zuzo–gaku [Iconology of Library Architecture], Tokyo Dizunirando no shinwa-gaku [Mythology of Tokyo Disneyland], Ningen ko-sai-jutsu: Komyuniti dezain no tameno jo-ho-gaku nyu-mon [The Art of Human Socialization: Introduction to Informatics for Community Design], and a co-author of sendai mediatheque: Konseputo bukku [Concept Book] and Sentan geijutsu sengen! [Manifesto of Intermedia Art!]. His book, Geijutsu jissen ronko [Essays in Artistic Practice] (working title), is forthcoming from Seikyu – -sha. Katsura currently oversees “ geidaiRAM2, ” a nondegree program sponsored by TUA’s Graduate School of Film and New Media.