
白石嘉治 SHIRAISHI Yoshiharu


Born in 1961. Specializes in French literature. Works as a part-time lecturer at Sophia University and elsewhere. His books include Neolibe Gendai Seikatsu Hihan Josetsu (A Critical Introduction to Neoliberal Contemporary Life) (Shinhyoron, enlarged edition, 2008), and Fujun naru Kyoyo (An Impure Education) (Seidosha, 2010). Additionally in works such as Han Sochiron: Atarashii Laddaitoteki Chokkan no Torai (Against Devices: The Advent of Neo-Luddite Instinct) (Ibunsha, 2012) he endeavors to introduce The Coming Insurrection, and To Our Friends by French anonymous collective The Invisible Committee.