
Screening Ticketed Event

A screening where babies are welcome —
Sherlock Jr.

2/17/2019 13:00

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 1F Hall

A screening where babies are welcome —<br><i>Sherlock Jr.</i>

A screening that welcomes participation with children as young as infants and allows talking related to the work. Please understand that viewers will be entering and exiting the theater during this screening. The feature will be an action comedy by actor-director Buster Keaton. In this film, Keaton̶playing a movie theater projectionist who is also training to be a detective̶falls asleep while showing a movie, and when he awakes finds himself appearing in the movie as “Sherlock, Jr.”


Link: Children Meet Cinema


バスター・キートン《キートンの探偵学入門》 Buster KEATON, <i>Sherlock Jr.</i>

Buster KEATON, Sherlock Jr.

Buster KEATON, Sherlock Jr./1924/45min./Dialogue in English (with Japanese subtitles)/ sound

