Animations, consisting of single stationary images that together create a sensation of movement, are today incorporated in a wide range of works and products, spanning such diverse fields as art, entertainment, advertising and others. This program focuses on short animations made by various techniques, including “2.5D animations” that appear more three-dimensional when watched with one eye closed; time-lapse or multiple exposure photography using 16mm film; or switching between freehand animation and one-frame, live-action footage. Exploring the mechanisms behind the respective works in this program, will shed light on the present state of imagery at large.
2.7 Tue. 15:00–
2.8 Wed. 18:00–
2.12 Sun. 11:00– w/ Q&A session: ISOBE Shinya, NIITA Naoyuki (online)
2.16 Thu. 18:00–
Venue: Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 1F Hall
Ticket: ¥800 [advance] / ¥1,000 [door]

Saigo no Shudan, At Deep Mountain
2012 / 9 min. 44 sec.

2011 / 15min. 20 sec. / Dialogue in Japanese

ISOBE Shinya, For rest
2017 / 16 min. 29 sec. / Dialogue in Japanese

ISOBE Shinya, 13
2020 / 10 min. / Dialogue in Japanese

NIIYA Naoyuki, The Tiny Hunter and the Giant Rat: Back to Otohime 20000
2022 / 3 min.10 sec. / Dialogue in Japanese

NIIYA Naoyuki, OTOHIME20000
2019 / 35 min. 30 sec. / Dialogue in Japanese