These videos were made using an auto-slide projector that can synchronize slide images with audio from a tape recorder. They were shown for the first time at the 5th Experimental Workshop Presentation in September 1953. While the technical equipment that was used at the time no longer exists today, from the four originally published works, three have been reproduced in 1986 based on slides and audio that have been preserved. All made by hand, these works appear rather primitive on the outside, but their contents are compatible with contemporary issues including environmental problems. The original creation processes were captured on film by Otsuji Kiyoji, one of the members of the Jikken Kobo.
Time: February 3 – 19, 2023, 10:00-20:00 (until 18:00 on the final day; closed 6 Mon., 13 Mon.)
Venue: Tokyo Photographic Art Museum B1F Exhibition Gallery