
孫松榮(スン・ソンロン)(ゲスト・スピーカー) SING Song-Yong (guest speaker)

SING Song-Yong (guest speaker)

Sing Song-Yong earned his doctoral degree in cinematography from the Institute of Performing Arts, Paris Nanterre University, France. He teaches as a professor in the Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts. He curated “A One and A Two: Edward Yang Retrospective” (2023), “Synchronic Constellation – Le Moulin Poetry Society and its Time: A Cross-Boundary Exhibition” (2019), “(Not) Just a Historical Document: Hong Kong-Taiwan Video Art 1980–1990s” (2018), “Rewind_Video Art in Taiwan 1983–1999” (2015), “The Eclipse of Documentary: The Transdisciplinary Intersection of Images” (2012).
His research interests cover the aesthetics of contemporary Chinese cinema, contemporary art and cinema, as well as theories and aesthetics of contemporary French films. His publications include Projecting Tsai Ming-Liang: Towards Transart Cinema (2014), Thinking with Tsai Ming-Liang: 13 Faces of Contemporary Chinese Cinema Studies (2021), The Future of Time: Memos for 40 Years of Taiwan New Cinema (2022), Jean-Luc Godard’s History(ies) of Cinema: Essays and Critiques (2023), A One and A Two: Edward Yang Retrospective (2023) etc.